What do you think is the main reason gasoline prices have gone up recently?That's a high number blaming "greed" and "profit" in a nation that thinks of itself as capitalistic. The correct answer is "Market Forces".
Oil companies/greed/profit - 30
Iraq war - 12
Bush administration - 10
OPEC/foreign oil producers - 9
Market forces - 8
Supply - less gas available or gas production problems - 7
Demand - people driving more - 5
Other political reasons - 4
Time of year/season - *
Supply and demand - *
Other - 5
No opinion - 10
Oil companies, like every other business, are supposed to make money. That is what their shareholders expect. They invested heavily in a rare commodity and are now reaping the benefits of that investment. There is nothing immoral or unethical about that.
Why do we expect oil companies to charge less than what the market will bear?
Well I think the reason so many feel that way is because the greed/profit headline is more exciting than boring market forces. Plus, I think the Congressional hearings from people who want to "socialize" the oil industry (Maxine Waters) has something to do with it.
Exactly what I was going to say Kevin. Government run oil, just like Russia.
"Congressional hearings from people who want to "socialize" the oil industry..."
What question are you responding to? Are you saying the hearings cause people to misunderstand the cause of gas prices? Or that they're the reason people expect oil companies to charge less than the market will bear?
"Government run oil, just like Russia." Yes, but what about it? That's not even a sentence!
The congressional hearings were held because the big-bad, evil oil companies were making too much profit. And the people who wanted those hearings were people like Maxine Waters who want to socialize the oil industry.
Ah, so the misconception regarding the cause of gas prices was the reason for the hearings, not the other way around. I still have no idea what point Ryan was trying to make other than Maxine Waters=Russia=Bad I guess.
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