Sunday, June 1, 2008

Leading Global Warming Skeptics

Here is a reasonably short video on the CO2 and temperature data from ice cores discussed in An Inconvenient Truth.

The scientists in this video are:

Syun-ichi Akasofu
He is at the University of Alaska. There is certainly no interest in continued use of fossil fuels in Alaska!

Tim Ball
His qualifications have been questioned. He receives energy industry funding at NRSP.

Ian Clark
Same group as Tim Ball.

Piers Corbyn
Not a lot of confidence in this guy.

Patrick J. Michaels
Up to his eyeballs in energy industry money.

Nir Shaviv
He appears to be a legitimate dissenter. It doesn't mean he's correct.

Frederick Singer
I already pointed out his part in discrediting science related to secondhand smoke. Then I found this: "In April 1998 a dozen people from the denial machine—including the Marshall Institute, Fred Singer's group and Exxon—met at the American Petroleum Institute's Washington headquarters. They proposed a $5 million campaign, according to a leaked eight-page memo, to convince the public that the science of global warming is riddled with controversy and uncertainty."

1 comment:

DJ Toluene said...

I think that if CO2 emissions were the major contributing factor in global temperature rises than natural temperature fluctuations would be insignificant compared to it. I think it's the other way around. I buy into the theory that the Sun is the main contributor Also what more do you want from me? I want the whole electrical grid to go nuclear, cars to get 100+ miles per gallon, and everything to get more efficient. I think the cap and trade system that people like Al Gore are for mainly want to use this as a means to tax people to fund other things.