Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The McCains - Just Regular Folks

We've all been told repeatedly that Obama is too elitist and out-of-touch to be President, so it must be true.

I'm a Democrat, so I'm not allowed to mention the fantastically opulent lifestyle of the McCains. It would be class warfare. If I have anything but reverence for their wealth, I'm just jealous.


Brian said...

For the record, I think the "clinging to guns and religion" stuff has been completely misconstrued and blown way out of proportion.

A lot has been made of use of the word "cling". People say that he wouldn't have used that word if he thought that guns or religion were good values. Well, here is another context in which he used a form of the word "cling" (from The Audacity of Hope): "…throughout my years in Springfield, I had clung to the notion that politics could be different, and that the voters wanted something different…." Do you have any doubt that he considers a different politics to be a positive value worth maintaining?

Just hours before he made those comments, he made these at another private event.

I wish people would pay as much attention to his countless explicit statements in favor of religion and guns as they do to their own questionable inferences from one private (or semi-private) statement.

I know people like to think that Obama has a bunch of secret views that he dare not expose to the public, but I really believe he and McCain are substantially what you see in public. They're probably in the public eye too much to be putting on a show.

As for the "race card", he did not say that anyone opposed to him must be a racist. He made the accurate observation that his race will be used against him in the campaign (and already has been). Anyone who doesn't understand that really is out of touch.

He doesn't even say that using his race against him will work, but that it will be attempted. I believe he is actually minimizing the importance race will have. I have personally talked to people who will not vote for him because of his race. However, he steadfastly refuses to admit that race will be a significant factor.

Here, again, people want to make inferences from one comment that contradict everything else he has ever said. He has consistently said that if he loses the election, it will be because of his ideas and his campaign, not his race.

Huevos McGringo said...

first off, "sweetie" is not remotely elitist. if anything, it's a tad miscogynistic.

however, it's not nearly as offensive as calling your wife a "trollip" and a "cunt" in public. if obama said some shit like that, it would be lead story on fox news for a week. when that maverick mccain says it, it's relegated to blogs.