Sunday, May 25, 2008

Obama a sure thing?

Interesting article at the Huffington Post about Obama's strategy to win the election this November.

Even if the guy is wrong here (and I don't think he is) and white, working-class Democrats are voting for Clinton because of race, will enough of them vote for Obama to give him the victory in November?

Also, I think McCain represents the best hope for the Republicans when it comes to winning over independent voters. I'm curious to see who he picks for his VP candidate (Obama too for that matter).


Curt said...

Of all the 312 Republican candidates I do believe they chose the most electable. Boo on them for that!

Curt said...

It's an interesting article for sure. One thing that immediately comes to mind is that Hillary's campaign has done just as much, if not more to imply that blue collar whites are racist. She's said that Obama isn't as electable as she is because of race. This is a wink wink sort of way of saying, "Don't vote for him not because YOU'RE racist, but because everyone else is."

It seems that an issue that up until recently the campaigns have done such an admirable job of keeping a non-issue has finally moved far closer to the forefront. It's regrettable. I do think/hope, however, that when Obama formally clinches the nomination and begins campaigning entirely against McCain that it will fade again. Not disappear, but fade. Obama and McCain are so much farther apart than Obama and Clinton on the issues that it will be easier to debate points of substance. Obama and Clinton are very close on so many issues that they've struggled to differentiate themselves in that category.