Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Global Warming and the Surge

On Global Warming, the political right constantly reminds us that correlation isn't causation. When you present evidence of rising temperatures and more greenhouse gases as proof of anthropogenic climate change, the right raises the possible influence of other factors such as solar variation and climate cycles. The left insists that rising temperatures occur in conjunction with greenhouse gases because both are related.

On the Surge, the political right ignores other possible factors and attributes the recent drop in violence to a greater troop presence solely because both happened at the same time. Here, the distinction between correlation and causation is practically nonexistent on the right. The left, on the other hand, notes the Sunni Awakening, the Sadr cease-fire, and other internal forces in Iraq.

I'm not using this comparison to prove that either side is right or wrong on either issue. I just think it's sort of interesting.

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