Thursday, July 3, 2008

More on Obama's Alleged Iraq Flip-Flop

I had to share the thoughts of Andrew Sullivan, a pre-war supporter of the invasion who has been remarkably self-critical but at times cautiously optimistic during the post-invasion mess:

I'm relieved that he has shifted exactly as I hoped he would: to a pragmatic commitment to a withdrawal strategy that does not jeopardize the fragile and reversible gains of the last year or so. I don't see this as a U-turn, any more than I regard my own attempt to understand the situation in Iraq as best I can and to remain open to good, as well as bad, developments as some kind of flaw. Very few people foresaw the extent of the gains we have made this past year, in part because a new counter-insurgency had the luck to coincide with some real shifts among Sunni tribes and the Sadrite opposition. But facts change. Shouldn't tactical policy respond? I would never have felt that Obama would be a good president if I felt he'd stick to a position on an issue irrespective of empirical data. As long as the goal is total withdrawal from Iraq as soon as possible, and the man doing it has the vital characteristic of having opposed the war in the first place, I'm fine with pragmatism. Any conservative should be.

John Cole helpfully suggests you Google the phrase "as careful getting out as we were careless getting in".

1 comment:

DJ Toluene said...

I think on Obama's website he stated that he would call for an immediate start to the withdrawal of troops, no matter what the situation was. I don't really see this as a big deal or a change of view at all.