Sunday, July 13, 2008

Energy Solution Questions

1. Why does the government need to be involved in this anyway?

2. If it's so important that we do this why don't we cut all programs a certain amount to pay for it?

3. Why do we need new taxes to pay for this?

1 comment:

Brian said...

The government needs to be involved because of the variety of potential negative externalities of energy use that the unregulated energy market is inadequate at addressing. Consider, for example, pollution, the overall economic drag of our current energy crisis, and the costs (military and otherwise) of maintaining access to oil.

The choice between cutting programs (include defense spending to account for the peace dividend of energy independence), raising taxes, or combining both to pay for government involvement in energy policy is certainly up for debate and compromise. I don't really take a position either way. The costs probably aren't large enough to be major issue, though.