Sunday, June 8, 2008

Obama's Appalachian Problem

Obama's problem is less with "working-class whites" than it is with Appalachia. A Daily Kos contributor has presented great analysis with two striking graphics. Below is a map of Appalachia and a map of counties (in purple) where Clinton won 65% of the vote.

Since this second map was created, West Virginia and Kentucky have voted and would be almost completely purple.

As you can see, Obama has been trounced mostly in Appalachia, as well as the hills of the Ozarks and the Texas Hill Country.

Yes, this area has many working-class whites, but there are plenty of working-class whites in the rest of the country. Working-class whites dominate the West, where Obama has regularly beaten Clinton.

Obama's main weakness is in Appalachia. The ideal VP candidate would help Obama with voters in this geographic region and those voters like them around the country.

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