Sunday, June 1, 2008

Science on Climate Change

I think everyone should remember that there were also studies questioning the evidence that cigarettes are unhealthy.

One of those studies was done by S. Fred Singer, now a leading voice questioning man-made global warming.

For now, I'll go with the opinions of the vast majority of climate scientists.


DJ Toluene said...

Is it too much to ask that someone actually watch a video before they start debunking it? :)

I generally don't like emoticons but I felt it was needed in this case.

Curt said...

That's why I haven't commented yet. However, as Brian obviously has some time I'd be willing to bet he has?

Brian said...

Not yet. I really don't have that much time. I haven't spent as much time posting as it may seem. A few minutes here and there.

I think I'm familiar with the case, though.

Curt said...

This is why this site needs some sort of RSS feed for comments or something. I didn't see Brian's comment on the documentary before I made the posting above.

Brian said...

rss feed:

when you leave a comment, you can also check the box in the "Choose an identity" section to have comments emailed to you