Monday, June 30, 2008

Swiftboating McCain?

General Wesley Clark is taking a lot of heat for some very reasonable and respectful comments about John McCain.

Clsrk simply pointed out the obvious - that McCain's military service does not qualify him to be President because he has little or no executive experience during wartime. People are ignoring that Clark also called McCain a hero and expressed personal gratitude for McCain's patriotism during captivity. The really funny part of the interview is when Schieffer is shocked that Clark does not believe that being shot down in a fighter plane qualifies you to be President. Is that really such an outlandish claim?

Clark has said nothing to discount McCain's service, only its relevance to the presidency. Where was the outrage when Republicans actually did question Kerry's military service?

I completely agree with John Cole's observation that Clark is getting screwed. Cole later states: "If I were John Kerry, I would be breaking shit right now." Absolutely. Your "liberal media" at work.

Shame on the media for buying into this crap, and shame on Obama for throwing Clark under the bus.

As if the double standard between McCain and Kerry weren't already ridiculous enough, we actually have a former SwiftVet for Truth criticizing Clark's comments on behalf of the McCain campaign. He rejects any alleged similarity between Clark and the SwiftVets, saying that his attacks, which McCain himself once called "dishonest and dishonorable", were simply revelation of the truth. So we have a person who lied about Kerry's service now denouncing Clark's comments that honored McCain's service and included nothing untrue, claiming that the difference is that he was speaking the truth about Kerry. Unbelieveable!

1 comment:

Curt said...

Again you beat me to it. I agree with your post, but the main point for me is "shame on Obama" for throwing him under the bus.

Nobody should ever discount the value and meaning of McCain's service to our country, but seriously, what does being a POW have to do with being President?