Sunday, June 22, 2008

This should be fun

I'm going to write several posts about the Bush Administration's decision to go to war with Iraq at some point. I don't plan to be persuasive enough to change any body's minds but I would like to write about why I felt at the time, and still feel, that we were justified in going to war and that it was a good thing to do. I need to read a couple books before I start on this project though

However, before I start doing that (it may be a couple of months, or even after the election before i do this) I'll present this article about Bush's legacy.

I fully expect this to cause a flood of links and posts. Let's see if this gets Ryan and Curt going.

1 comment:

Curt said...

Considering how things have turned out in Iraq and the Intelligence information that's been revealed regarding the motivation for invasion, I've been curious for a long time how or if that's changed your thoughts on the issue.