Sunday, June 1, 2008

Successful Government Program

When my liberal friends begin getting a little self-assured about their political beliefs, I ask one question:  

Name One Successful Government Program.

It puts them in an interesting position. The general mantra from the left is to federalize everything (most recently oil, like our re-emerging socialist/communist Russian neighbors).  So they really want to say "everything".  But the reality is they can't answer this question.  The options are to lie and say the school system, IRS, or Social Security.  But they know this would be completely absurd and open to all kinds of contrary evidence.  The other option would be to give the only honest answer, the Military.   This, of course, would be unthinkable to a liberal.    


Curt said...

The Postal Service.

Curt said...

Them. They. "Unthinkable to a liberal." You're doing a really good job of drastically oversimplifying a category of political views.

It would be unthinkable for a conservative to miss their fundamentalist evangelical church service on Sunday or vote for a black person. Sex out of wedlock! That would be unthinkable for a conservative! Hypocrite.

Of course I mean nothing in the second paragraph. I just think it's more productive to discuss ideas than to bash categories. The words Liberal and Conservative are only useful at all as generalities. As soon as you start drawing conclusions because someone is "liberal" then you've already let the conversation devolve into finger pointing and name calling.

DJ Toluene said...

If you consider the Postal Service a success then I don't know what to tell you.

Curt said...

It works. For $.41 I can drop a letter in a box and it will reliably go anywhere in the country. As a government service it does what I need it to do.

Curt said...

And you could tell me why you disagree.